Saturday, March 4, 2023

A Thought About Teaching

If we are born a seed, then when I meet students in college, they are plants with deep roots.  On my best day, I can be a star that shines light on the garden before me, inspiring a direction in which to sprout.  If that is not a good reason to get dressed in the morning and go to work, then I don't know what is.


John said...

You are probably one of the few college teachers whom I found to be truly passionate about teaching, and whose teaching I will never forget in my life.

The Engineer said...

Thanks so much for commenting John. It is a two-way street. The passion is fueled by students who are eager to learn. I am inspired by their enthusiasm and thirst for life.

Anonymous said...

As brief as this entry is, it holds a lot of emotion and passion in it. If I were to wish one thing, it is for every person to feel this way about their pursuits in life :)

The Engineer said...

Cheers to that!